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Support FAQs

Forgot Password not working

If you do not receive a reset password email:

  1. Check for the email in your spam folder.
  2. Search all mail for "" as that is the email address it will send from.
  3. Empty your spam folder and request a new reset password email.

For Yahoo accounts -- Yahoo often purges emails from our domain. Please add and to your address book or click "not spam" if you find them in your spam folder to ensure they hit your inbox. 

If you are not able to find the email after completing these steps, please email for assistance.

I purchased an event but I don't see it listed in the log.

Step 1: Be sure you are using the correct email address to log into the system. If your order confirmation email was sent to a different email address than the one you are using for the log, your event will not sync.

You can add a second email address to your log account by clicking on your name/Profile and adding it to the Secondary Email address box.

Step 2: Determine if your event began. The logs for regular races typically do not open until the packets begin to ship. Some challenges have specific start dates. Check the event description at or the order summary of your order confirmation email to confirm.

Remember that you do not have to log results in order to receive your race packet. 

Cannot log in to the results system

In order to log in, you must first create a results log account on this website. Click "Register Account" under the login button on the homepage. After that step, you MUST click the authentication link that is emailed to you to confirm the email address belongs to you or you will not be able to login. Please check your spam folder for emails from if you cannot find the authentication email. Yahoo acocunts may need to add that email address to the address book in order to receive the email. 

For further assistance, please email



Events purchased not showing up in Order History

If your event is not showing up under your order history: 

1- Wait at least a half hour after purchase to check. The log refreshes periodically and orders may not sync immediately.

2- Check to make sure you made the purchase with the same email address you use to log into the results site with. If the email addresses do not match up, the order will not sync to your account.

If neither of these apply, please email for assistance. 

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